About Us

Hello My name is Maria Paximadi from Gonia, Rethymno, Crete. I was born and I love the countryside, even its “lifeless” stones.

Basically I was, am and will be a painter – hagiographer and lover of poetry. Along the way, from a very early age I started reading various herbal medicine books, admiring the power of nature, plants and its elements… But so far.

Like all of us used whenever I saw the dark no herbs… I did not inherit old recipes from grandparents, but I believe that if I had dealt with “herbal medicine” earlier I would have had at least one loved one still alive…

With the treatments of my children I followed the “conventional medicine”, until eight years ago my daughter had a simple problem of cystitis and was unable, with modern medicine and with the classical antibiotics one after the other, to cure her. There I put my “kitapia” down and in a few hours the child had nothing !!! My children’s health has since become a more personal issue, and prevention rather than treatment has been my main goal.

So five years ago I started growing my own “superfoods” (several types of berries).

Studying herbal medicine took up almost all of my free time, and in the evenings I happily “spent the night” and “spent the night” still studying. My excitement grew when various acquaintances and friends who believed in herbs and their properties…

So I decided to “marry” the artist, the nature lover, herbalist and to offer my creations, with love, to the general public…


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